Pew Hispanic Center’s Latest Survey

The Pew Hispanic Center is a nonpartisan research organization that does not take positions on policy issues.  The “Pew” recently conducted a study in English and Spanish, from August 17 through September 19, which surveyed 1,375 Latino adults conducted by land line and cellular telephones.

Below are some highlights:

-86% of Latinos support providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants if they pass background checks, pay a fine and have jobs, this level of support surpasses the 68% of the general public who favor such a path to citizenship

-61% surveyed say discrimination is a “major problem,” this is an increase from the 54 percent who categorized it that way in 2007

-36% cite to immigration status as to the most important factor leading to discrimination (in 2007 46% pointed to language skills)

-45% responded that foreign-born and native-born Latinos are working together to achieve common political goals, and 46% say they are not

-Roughly 70% of foreign-born Latinos say discrimination against Hispanics is a major problem preventing Latinos from succeeding in America, whereas 49% of the native-born agree

– 36% stated they are more satisfied this year with the direction of the United States which is an increase over the 25 % who said the same thing in 2008

For more statistics and information please visit CNN’s Pew Report: Latinos divided over illegal immigrants, other issues

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